Friday Fun: Where I Write and What You Eat…

First, a Friday Five from Paper Hangover, a fantastic group blog offering writing tips, book reviews, weekly blog topics, and teen interviews. Here’s today’s prompt:

Oh, sheesh… pictures? Do you really want pictures of various locations around my house? I’ll try to mix it up a bit. Here’s where I like to write…

1. My La-Z-Boy. It was a pregnancy gift from my husband (he may have been a *tiny* bit tired of hearing me complain about my aching back when he bought it five years ago :)), and it’s the most comfortable seat in my house. It’s where I most often write.

2. The kitchen table. Lame-o, but yeah… it’s certainly the most functional sopt for when I need to spread papers and notebooks and index cards out.

3. Target. Weird? Maybe. I used to go to Borders to write during my daughter’s preschool hours, but of course Borders is closed now. So, I’ve recently discovered that Target’s little cafe area is quiet and relatively empty from 10:30-12:30 every day. Also, there’s no free Wi-Fi, is a blessing in disguise. My productivity while a Target is through the roof.

4. Tully’s Coffee. True confession: I really dislike Starbucks. I find it to be very yuppy-ish. Also, the Starbucks near me is always cold and loud. (Why, incidentally, do mothers organize play-dates at Starbucks? Your toddlers aren’t having fun there.) Tully’s, on the other hand, is quiant and adorable and they serve amazing coconut chai tea. I work there every Friday while my daughter is at her Spanish lesson. Look how cute!

5. My desk, but honestly I use this space more to sew. I only work here when I want to feel like a “real” writer. Real writers work at desks, right?

I showed you mine… Now what are your favorite writing spots?

And, a totally unrelated, completely frivolous, sort of funny Would you rather…?

Would you rather give up eating meat forever, or cut all carbs from your diet indefinitely?

Yeah, this is totally a no-brainer for me. I rarely eat mean anyway (and usually only chicken or fish), so I’d gladly lose it in favor of pasta and bread and rice and pastries. That said, I’ve been trying hard to cut back on carbs, and when I do eat them usually go for whole wheat.

Usually… not always. šŸ™‚

Have a fabulous weekend!

30 thoughts on “Friday Fun: Where I Write and What You Eat…

  1. Gilly says:

    That coffee shop looks amazing! I love places like that. I write on weekends at this little gourmet food shop/dessert bar. No WiFi either, which I, like you, find to be fabulous incentive to, you know, actually write. However, their French macarons do some serious damage to weight loss resolutions . . .

    • katyupperman says:

      Oh, I try to stay far, far away from the pastry cases at Tully’s. I’m actually here right now, and there are all kinds of coffee cakes and pound cakes and muffins and cookies taunting me. Must resist!

    • katyupperman says:

      That’s part of the fun, though. I was working at Target the other day and started craving Lifesavers (random), so when I was finished, I just grabbed my laptop, wandered to the candy aisle, and grabbed a package. Perfect!

    • katyupperman says:

      I hadn’t either, but with Borders and Starbucks off the table, my options have become depressingly limited. Target is quite nice. Quiet and convenient for running errands after I’m doing working. šŸ™‚

  2. Nadja Notariani says:

    That coffee shop does look amazing, Katy. Our local Borders was a favorite place for me to write, too. Unfortunately, they are closed. But I have a great little coffee shop that I’ve newly adopted called ‘Northern Lights’.
    I’ll be reposting your questions on my blog page this Sunday in my ROW80 Check-in. I’ll include a link-back, too! ~ Nadja

  3. Rebecca B says:

    Give up meat forever! You will pry those carbs from my cold, dead hands. šŸ™‚
    Your La-Z-Boy looks absolutely divine. [Glares at uncomfortable, shoddy chairs in the apartment]

    • katyupperman says:

      Yeah, can see the appeal of a big meat-and-potatoes meal for sure, but if you HAD to pick, I’m glad you’d go for carbs. Someone who can’t enjoy a delicious muffin or huge bowl of pasta just can’t be trusted. šŸ™‚

  4. Lynn Rush says:

    I LOVE hanging out at coffee shops to write. So many interesting people to see to inspire things. But mostly I write at home at my desk in my comfy little office chair with my dogs lying around nearby. šŸ™‚

    I’d give up meat for sure! šŸ™‚

  5. Jessica Love says:

    I don’t really like Starbucks much either. I was there twice this week because it’s close to my school, but you’re right…SO COLD. And full of obnoxious people. I prefer Panera.

    And I love that your daughter takes Spanish! That’s awesome!

    • katyupperman says:

      She loves her Spanish! My husband and I think it’s a great time to expose her to a second language. We’re hoping she’ll pick it up so she can teach us too. šŸ™‚

      I wish I had a Panera near me! It might be best that I don’t though… I’m too tempted by their tasty treats!

  6. Alison Miller says:

    I’ve given up both for my blood-type diet. šŸ™‚

    Target? Huh. My writing places include coffee shops, my dining room table, the bed in my guest bedroom/playroom, and my desk at school.

    PS – thanks for your super sweet comment on my blog. šŸ™‚

    • katyupperman says:

      How’s that blood-type diet going? Sounds like it might be a little too restrictive for me (I can’t give up cheese!), but it might be fun to try for a month or so. You’ll have to let me know if you’re seeing results.

      Oh, and I like to write in bed too, but I didn’t really want to include a picture of my bed here… seems weird. šŸ™‚

  7. Carla Essen says:

    Starbucks is horrid. Music is so loud I can’t think. Have often thought of asking for the Bose noise-cancelling headphones for Xmas so that I can work there. But why? I don’t even like their burnt tasting coffee. Do you have Caribou near you? I work there sometimes… larger tables and more outlets.

    I’ve tried giving up carbs but I always succumb during PMS week. But it’s more the french fries and nachos versus sweets. Red meat I could never give up… I can tell when I’m low on iron because I will CRAVE it. And whenever I eat it, I feel so much better and have so much more energy. My friend Amber tells me I’m like a guy – “You don’t like sweets, you love red meat, and you hate talking on the phone.” LOL.

    BTW, can’t give up cheese either. I always say one of my belly rolls is purely dedicated to cheese and the other to peanut butter. šŸ™‚ Curious how you slimmed down to a tiny toothpick?! I never thought you had anything to lose! But you do look amazing!

    • katyupperman says:

      No, we don’t have Caribou… just the name sounds cute. šŸ™‚ I don’t drink coffee at all, so I’m all about any place that has yummy tea, warmth, and quiet.

      One of your “belly rolls”? You are nuts! You are a tiny little thing! I slimmed down by cutting at all drinks with calories (basically, I only drink water), running, yoga, and just eating better in general. I try not to eat more than 2K calories a day, though I definitely splurge on occasion. šŸ™‚ And thanks for the compliment!

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