Life List

Bake a Rainbow Cake.

Sell a novel.

Sell a second novel.

Complete a 500 piece puzzle.

Have a picnic on the beach.

Read and review a Stephen King novel.

Drink a Hurricane in New Orleans.

Have professional family photos taken.

Run Disney’s Princess 1/2 Marathon.

Attend a writers’ conference or festival.

Order a Stitch Fix box.

See a Broadway musical.

Plan and host a tea party.

Make a quilt.

Take an international vacation.

Watch Friday Night Lights in its entirety.

Complete a three day juice cleanse.

Write a manuscript that’s not contemporary YA.

Pass 2K Twitter followers.

Read Speak (my most shameful YA gap book).

Host a brunch.

Earn my scuba certification (PADI).

Attend a writers’ retreat.

Get a massage.

Make Chocolate Babka.

Welcome another child into our family.

Visit Mount Rushmore.

Interact with a koala bear.

Get another tattoo.

Master “Crow” pose in yoga.

Go to a(nother) country music concert.

Plant an herb garden.

Visit New York City.

Take a photography class.
