U is for Upperman

Of course U is for Upperman!

Is there a better opportunity to share a little about myself? And why not use the cool Alphabet Survey I happened across on Just Everyday Me while searching for healthy banana bread recipes? Without further ado…

A is for age: *sigh* Thirty-one… I honestly never thought I’d be THIS OLD.

B is for breakfast today: Cinnamon toast and an apple.

C is for currently craving: Well, there’s banana bread in the oven and it smells amazing, so a slice of that would be pretty perfect.

D is for dinner tonight: Date night with my hubby! Dinner at a cute little bistro called The Windmill Cafe. I’m looking forward to it!

E is for favorite type of exercise: Running because it burns tons of calories, but I most enjoy doing yoga.

F is for an irrational fear: Being pinned down or enclosed in a small space. Claustrophobia… yikes.

G is for gross food: I hate celery. Also mushrooms.

H is for hometown: Western Washington is where I’ll always call home, but I’m just about ready to head to California for a military move… not too shabby.

I is for something important: My family, for sure. I love my husband and daughter more than anything.

J is for current favorite jam: Sugar-free strawberry. Wait…what? Jam, like jelly, or jam like music? In the musical sense, I’ll jam to anything twangy.

K is for kids: I have one. She’ll be five in August. She’s adorable.

L is for current location: My kitchen (waiting for the banana bread).

M is for the most recent way you spent money: Um, we ate dinner at Wendy’s last night, so that? I had a Grilled Chicken Cobb. It was delish.

N is for something you need: Internet access. A massage. Hummus. A daily shower. A daily workout. A daily dose of dark chocolate.

O is for occupation: Wife, mama, aspiring author.

P is for pet peeve: Generally, lack of manners. Specifically, cheeky misspellings of words for business names, like: Kidz Kutz.

Q is for a quote: When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew. ~ William Shakespeare

R is for random fact about you: I’m obsessive about dental hygiene. I’m an enthusiastic brusher, and I floss at least once a day.

S is for favorite healthy snack: I made mention of hummus above… Love it with carrots and cucumbers.

T is for favorite treat: Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, in all its forms (bars, cake, pie, ice cream, cookies), but the darker the better.

U is for something that makes you unique: Thanks to my husband’s job, I move a lot. We’ve been married nine year and during that time we’ve lived in seven homes. Next month, it’ll be eight.

V is for favorite vegetable: Carrots.

W is for today’s workout: Half hour circuit training, half hour yoga. Possibly a walk with the dogs later.

X is for X-rays you’ve had: Lots on my teeth, one on my arm when I fractured it as a child. A few ultrasounds when I was pregnant. Do those count?

Y is for yesterday’s highlight: Progress on my rewrite, dinner and laughter with my family.

Z is for your time zone: Pacific.

There you have it: All about Katy!

I totally think you should copy the Alphabet Survey, fill in your own answers, and add it to your blog. When you’re done, comment here or tweet me so I can drop by and get to know you better.


53 thoughts on “U is for Upperman

  1. Alison Miller says:

    I love this survey! And so cool to find out more about fabulous Katy (and also learn how weirdly alike we are). I love how you put Wife first as your occupation. Then, mama. Your devotion to your family is refreshing and inspiring.

    Nice! I may have to do this some day this week. 🙂

    • katyupperman says:

      You should totally do it, Alison! Maybe save it for Blog Me MAYbe, for one of the days you tell us something about yourself. And yes, family always comes first for me. Love my hubby and my girlie!

  2. kford2007 says:

    I loved this! I’ll definitely do one soon and let you know. Love the family pic. You guys look so happy. That’s what life is all about , right?

    • katyupperman says:

      Absolutely! We’ve been having a great time since my husband returned from this deployment. 🙂 I’m looking forward to reading your survey answers, Jenny!

  3. Elodie says:

    This is a GREAT idea, Katy 😀 I will definitely do it in May (I head of some great people doing a sort of blog fest in May…hmmm…do you know anything about it?) Very nice family pic, you all look so happy 😀
    I also don’t like celery but I do love mushrooms 😀
    YUM, banana bread! I have a great recipe from a friend (who had it from her German grandmother, I could send it to you if you want :D)

    • katyupperman says:

      Yes, you definitely should post the survey for Blog Me MAYbe! I almost did, but I couldn’t resist using it for my U post. 🙂 I’d love to see your banana bread recipe if you have a chance to send it. The one I happened upon on the blog I linked to in this post actually turned out really yummy! I ended up subbing pumpkin puree for the applesauce (because I was out) and a half cup pure maple syrup for the honey (also because I was out!). My daughter loved it, though, which is always the true test!

    • katyupperman says:

      Ha! I like to tell my husband that I’ll always be younger than him (but only by two months!). And yes, can we please, PLEASE meet up at a conference someday? That would be amazing!

  4. Meredith says:

    What a fun survey! I will definitely borrow this! And I am the same with with the cutesy spellings of kid’s store names. Why is it that “Kidz” has become standard, like everywhere?? I can think of three stores down here off the top of my head that spell it like that. Aaagh! Maddening!

    • katyupperman says:

      Ugh… Glad I’m not the only one who cringes at those misspellings… They are so not cute, people! Looking forward to seeing your survey answers, Meredith!

  5. Temre Beltz (@TemreBeltz) says:

    I loved this survey, Katy! Thanks so much for sharing 🙂 I think I’ll definitely add it to my blog during the May blog fest too! It’s also fun to see all the stuff we have in common – I have a four year old and almost two year old daughter, am a country music fan, LOVE chocolate, am (gasp!) thirty-one too, and have lived in California all my life. I think you’ll like it here 🙂

    • katyupperman says:

      Oh, cool, Temre! I’ll look forward to reading your answers, and how funny to know how much we have in common! I wonder if we’ll be neighbors in California? We could totally eat chocolate and go to country music concerts together!

  6. Rachel says:

    Loved learning more about you, Katy. Love that Shakespeare quote. and 31 is not old! (But I can’t complain I s’pose – I’ll be 23 next Tuesday, and a college graduate by May 19th lol). Moving 8 times… Its funny – I wrote on another blog about how as a kid I was jealous of those who never stayed in the same place. I had struggles with friends throughout elementary and middle school – basically up until I got to hs (apparently I was no longer a weirdo?). I also love that picture of your husband, you and your daughter 🙂 you all look wonderful. Also – what kind of strawberry sugar-free jam are you into? (I am a sucker for jams/jellies)

    • katyupperman says:

      I always get the sugar-free Smuckers at the grocery store, but this summer when strawberries are in season I’m going to attempt making my own. I’ll let you know how that goes. 🙂

    • katyupperman says:

      Ha! He’s pretty cute, Sophia, so you’re forgiven. 😉 And thanks… I’m going to require plenty of luck to survive this move with my sanity in tact!

    • katyupperman says:

      It turned out yummy, Rebecca! I ended up using the recipe I happened upon on the blog I linked to in this post and it turned out really yummy! I had to sub pumpkin puree for the applesauce (because I was out) and a half cup pure maple syrup for the honey (also because I was out!), but the texture and flavor were great. My daughter even loved it, which is always the true test!

  7. Colin says:

    Considering it’s been 11 years since I was 31, you’re still a young whippersnapper, Katy. And with a healthy balance of a little exercise coupled with copious amounts of chocolate, I’m sure you’ll feel young for a very long time. 🙂

    • katyupperman says:

      That actually sounds like the perfect recipe for happiness, Colin. And since you’re SO MUCH older than me, I’m totally taking your advice to heart. 😉

  8. elschneider says:

    Loved learning more about you, Katy! I think I’ll save this for one of my Blog Me MAYbe posts!
    And I too am not a fan of klever biznass misspellings, or celery for that matter, but I am a huge fan of humus, running, chocolate, dental hygiene and massages! 🙂

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