What’s Up Wednesday


“What’s Up Wednesday” is a fun weekly meme started by my friends Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk. From Jaime: It’s similar in some respects to the Currently… post, but it’s been whittled down to only four headings to make it quicker and more manageable on a weekly basis. You’re invited to join us if you’re looking for something to blog about, a way to let your blog friends know what’s been going on with you. If you’re participating, make sure to link your What’s Up Wednesday posts to the list on Jaime’s blog each week. That way, others can visit your post and check out what you’ve been up to.And now, here’s what’s up with me this week…And now, here’s what’s up with me this week…

What I’m Reading: Over the weekend I read The Truth About You & Me by Amanda Grace (Mandy Hubbard) and I thought it was excellent. I’ll post more about my thoughts in tomorrow’s Bookanista recommendation. Yesterday I finished Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl, which I loved more than I can adequately express. This book is everything I enjoy about contemporary YA/NA, with even more unfathomable amazingness heaped on top. These characters… they are my people. I adore them — Cath and Levi especially, but Reagan and Wren and Cath’s dad too. I’ll try to speak more coherently about this incredible novel in next week’s Bookanista recommendation. I just started reading My Life After Now by Jessica Verdi, and I’m already hooked. Can’t wait to see how it pans out!

What I’m Writing: Ugh… I’ve been a total writing loser this week. I turned in my revision, and then I slack-slack-slacked. I’ve been thinking about my WiP, and I’ve been reading some truly inspiring contemporary YA (see above), but I haven’t made actual word count progress. I promise to do better next week!

What Else I’ve Been Up To: Well… Last week I tried to double a batch of Chocolate Chip Cookies and, like a jackass, I accidentally quadrupled the sugar. Rather than starting over, I just went ahead and quadrupled the whole recipe. After hours of baking, I had, like, eleven dozen Chocolate Chip Cookies. My neighbors benefitted. (My waistline did not.)

Is there such a thing as too many cookies?

This girl had a busy week. An American Pride assembly, and a soccer game. Plus…

Nana is visiting!

What’s Inspiring Me Now: This fantastic post from Chuck Wendig: 25 Steps to Edit the Unmerciful Suck Out of Your Manuscript, which I’ve read, and bookmarked to read again once I’m ready to begin revising. Also, the beautiful views I’ve encountered during my morning runs over the last few days.

Tell me: What’s up with you today?

44 thoughts on “What’s Up Wednesday

  1. Tonja Drecker says:

    Love that cookie mountain! Makes me want to head for the oven 🙂
    I’ve heard a lot of good things about Fangirl, and I’m curious to see what you thought of Mandy’s book. (Heard a lot about that one too, just not about the book).

  2. Alison Miller says:

    Nope! Never too many cookies! And um…I hope you get some more writing done this week because I WANT TO READ THIS STORY SOON.


    Seriously, no worries though – sounds like you needed a little time off from the writing – very important to let the subconscious figure some stuff out, which it sounds like it’s doing. 🙂

    My copy of FANGIRL should be here Saturday!!!!! Love the pics! Have a great week!

    • katyupperman says:

      I can’t wait for you to read FANGIRL, Alison! I loved it so much… Definitely a 2013 favorite! And the fact that you finished your draft (yay!) makes me feel extra motivated to finish mine. Of course, it’ll need TONS of work, but still… THE END is the best feeling!

  3. robinhallwrites says:

    Ohh, great contemp. YA-I’m adding all those books to my TBR pile. Sending you some writing mojo for the week.
    On the cookies-I love that you just baked them all and shared. I’m a cookie dough freezer girl, for later delight.

    Me, I’m busy with yoga and triathlon training and jumping into a new MS for revision. It feels good.

    • katyupperman says:

      Ooh, I love that you’re training for a triathlon, Robin! I’m a runner, but I’m not sure I could rock a triathlon. I hope you’ll share more about your experiences! Oh, and I hope you get to read those contemporaries… I’ve been on an awesome book streak! Have a great week. 🙂

  4. Alexa says:

    Those cookies look fab! What recipe do you use? We made some this week and they were so blah, we had to make cupcakes instead!

    I am saving up Fangirl. Although I seriously can’t wait to read it, especially now I’m seeing other people rave about it.

    I must check out that link, I am sure I have a lot of suck in my first draft!

    Lovely photos.

    • katyupperman says:

      We have the same TBR lists because we flock to awesome contemporary YA. 🙂 And it was a true struggle not to inhale a dozen cookies. I did eat a lot of dough, though!

  5. Rebecca B says:

    That view–so gorgeous.

    Congrats on turning in your revision! I firmly believe we all get at least a full week of slack after turning something in. 🙂

  6. Carrie-Anne says:

    No such thing as too many cookies! Once I have some more free time, it would be nice to make some cookies with the brand-new stove my crazy roommate (who now may be breaking her part of the lease and moving out) insisted on. I’ve been so much calmer and happier since she’s been staying back at her mother’s apartment the last few days.

  7. Jaime Morrow says:

    *snort* Eleven dozen cookies! Bahahaha! That is hilarious. 😛 I’m sure you’re the favourite lady on the block right now. (Rightly so.) You know, I had a copy of FANGIRL in my hands the other day and almost bought it, but I’m trying to exercise restraint when it comes to book-buying for the next little while. I’m kind of out of control. If this is a Katy loved book, I might just have to cave. As for not writing, you’ve totally earned a break! Sometimes it’s good to recharge and let the ideas ruminate, you know? I’ve been doing that for a while now… Probably too long, but it’s still good to take a step back every now and again. I hope you have a great week, Katy, writing and otherwise! 🙂

    • katyupperman says:

      Oh, Jaime… I totally get trying to reign in the book buying (I am too!), but FANGIRL is so, so good. I am confident that you will love it, and not regret the purchase. Not to be an enabler or anything. 😉

      Hope you have a great week too, Jaime. Maybe we need to dive back into writing together!

  8. Tracey Neithercott (@T_Neithercott) says:

    I can’t properly express my love for FANGIRL. Rainbow Rowell is a master of dialog—in this book and ATTACHMENTS, which I also loved. (I haven’t read ELEANOR & PARK yet, but it’s definitely on my list. And I agree: She’s awesome at building amazing characters.

    I have the next few days off work and plan to spend a lot of it working on my WIP. If you’re around today through Friday, we should have some writing/editing session so you can return to your WIP. 🙂

    • katyupperman says:

      Yes, the dialogue… SO GOOD. And it’s equally amazing in E&P. I bet you’ll love that book, Trace. I will try my best to join you in writing/revising in the coming days. We have family in town, but I’m dying to get back into the swing of my WiP. I’m going to need the moral support to find my momentum again. 🙂

  9. Miss Cole says:

    …I want a cookie and a cup of tea right now SO BAD!!!! Mmmmm, those look so delicious!

    What an inspirational beach photo, too. Beautiful!

    Have a wonderful week. And don’t feel bad about slacking – we all do it 😉

    • katyupperman says:

      Yes, let’s both definitely have better writing weeks! I need to locate my momentum. And sorry about making you crave cookies. Bake some, but don’t quadruple the sugar! 😉

  10. Erin Funk says:

    Oh man, that cookie story is making me laugh so hard. I can’t even count the number of kitchen disasters I’ve had. I’m hungry for cookies now, but after reading about your hours of baking, I’m kind of afraid to lol.

    And hey, I’m sure you’ve earned a week to slack off! Just blame the lack of writing on the exhausting cookie incident. 🙂

    • katyupperman says:

      Thanks, Erin. As far as cooking disasters go, this one was annoying, but the results weren’t so bad. Many people had dessert on account of it. 🙂 I encourage you to bake cookies soon!

  11. Krispy says:

    I don’t think you’re slacking off. I think you’re taking a well-deserved brain vacation. 🙂 We all need breaks!

    FANGIRL will probably be one of the next 2 books I read because I’m really curious. BUT I have so many great library books I want to get to too and a book order on its way. Why don’t I have more time in the day?! I did just finish QUINTANA though and OH MY HEART! I don’t know how it’s possible to love such a huge cast of characters SO. MUCH.

    Omnomnom cookies! There can never be enough cookies. I think Cookie Monster would agree. 😉

    • katyupperman says:

      Thanks, Krispy. I keep telling myself that breaks can be good, but I’m stressing about reclaiming my momentum. Hopefully it won’t be so bad.

      I’m so glad you loved QUINTANA — me too! And I am absolutely confident that you will love FANGIRL. It totally blew my mind. Let me know what you think!

  12. Kate Scott says:

    I like Rainbow Rowell’s writing so and based on your incoherent appreciation, I think Fangirl just limed a few notches in my endless to read list.

    And you can never have to many cookies. Never.

  13. prerna pickett says:

    oh my, those cookies. I would take those off your hands gladly. Looks like you read some really great books. Fangirl has been added to my list. Taking a break after revisions is a great way to rejuvenate those creative juices.

  14. Rachel Searles says:

    All those cookies are making me droooooool… And I’m heading over to read that Chuck Wendig list right now. His 25 step posts are always so hilarious while still being incredibly useful.

  15. Amy Brashear says:

    Those chocolate chip cookies look so good. I can’t wait to read Fangirl. I’m on the list for the audiobook at the library. I can’t wait to listen to it. Have a great weekend!

  16. Colin says:

    I know I’m not turning in revisions to an agent yet, but when I’ve finished revisions and I’m ready to send this novel to betas, I’m going to relax, think about other projects, and totally not get all over myself for not writing as much for a little while. So you have my permission to enjoy some time of R&R, enjoy those cookies (can I be your neighbor?), and take it easy. You’ll have plenty of work to do once Victoria sells your novel! 🙂

    • katyupperman says:

      Thank you, Colin, both for making me feel better about slacking, and for your positivity in regard to my novel selling. Fingers crossed! I hope you have a wonderful weekend full of writing time and cookies. 🙂

  17. Eve says:

    First…you can never have too many cookies. I take them to work all the time and even get orders to do them (my side business until I’m a paid writer) I even have a batch of blondies cooling as I type. Plus you were just being eco-friendly not wasting your materials. I haven’t read those books but I had seen Fangirl on a list somewhere and thought it might be good to check out, now I’ll have to bump it up a bit higher on my TBR list. Taking a week off is not so bad, that just means you can come at it with fresh eyes.

  18. Rebekah says:

    I love that picture. I wish my toes were curling in that sand.

    I have to admit, I haven’t read any Rainbow Rowell. All of her books are on my list, but I have so many on my list and don’t yet own any of her books, and I know these are just lame excuses. I need to read them.

    Plus, I want some cookies…

    • katyupperman says:

      Oh, please pick up a Rainbow Rowell book soon, Rebekah! I love her writing so much! If I had to choose a favorite, it’d probably be her latest, FANGIRL, but all three of her releases are amazing. And sorry for giving you cookie cravings… You should bake some this weekend. 🙂

    • katyupperman says:

      I’m recommending FANGIRL for Bookanistas this week, and it was so tough to write the review. I’m pretty much a raving and obsessed fangirl when it comes to that story, and it was hard to put my thoughts into actual readable words. And I wish I could have shared cookies with you!

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