What’s Up Wednesday


“What’s Up Wednesday” is a fun weekly meme started by my friends Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk. From Jaime: It’s similar in some respects to the Currently… post, but it’s been whittled down to only four headings to make it quicker and more manageable on a weekly basis. You’re invited to join us if you’re looking for something to blog about, a way to let your blog friends know what’s been going on with you. If you’re participating, make sure to link your What’s Up Wednesday posts to the list on Jaime’s blog each week. That way, others can visit your post and check out what you’ve been up to.And now, here’s what’s up with me this week…And now, here’s what’s up with me this week…

What I’m Reading: I finished Sarah Guillory’s Reclaimed. Just when I thought I had it all figured out… Mind = Blown. I had to give up on my Fire audiobook, but only because I’m not in my car enough to get anywhere with the story. Luckily, I own a physical copy of the book, and I finished reading it yesterday. Fantasy is not usually my genre of choice, but I adore Kristin Cashore’s characters and writing and worldbuilding, and Fire is just so unbelievably, indescribably good. If you haven’t read the books of the Graceling Realm, you must. Now, I’ve started Tell the Wolves I’m Home by Carol Rifka Brunt (an adult/YA crossover). So far, I’m mesmerized by the beautiful writing. I think this one’s going to be lovely.

What I’m Writing: Oh, you know… Still working on my revision. It’s a slow and tedious process, but I *think* it’s coming along. Only time (and feedback) will tell, I suppose. My savvy agent Victoria Marini tweeted this yesterday: Drafts: 1. get all the bulls**t out of your head. 2. figure out what you meant to say. 3. figure out how to say it. 4. properly. A great reminder that early drafts aren’t supposed to be perfect. Reassuring, because mine definitely are not.

Notes I leave myself while revising: I don’t like you, Scene. You are cheesy and you do not feel effortless. I finally had to let this one go and move on. Here’s hoping my CPs can help me fix it eventually.

What Else I’ve Been Up To: I’ve packed some things. Not many, but there are a few full boxes in my house. Baby steps. Also, we’re hosting Thanksgiving this year. My husband and I are making the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and some pies (obviously). Some of our favorite neighbors are coming over with plenty of their own culinary contributions (more pie!). We’re not near family this year, so we’re extra appreciative of our awesome friends.

I’ve been on a bit of a baking hiatus, but this weekend my girlie and I were craving a warm and sweet breakfast, so we made Homemade Cinnamon Rolls. While they do include yeast and require some rising, they’re relatively quick and they tasted incredibly yummy. Recommend.

I saw Catching Fire on Friday. Guys, I loved this movie! I thought it was better than The Hunger Games, and very true to the book. J-Law rocked, the pacing was awesome, and I was truly moved by several scenes. I want to see it again!

Superlatives ButtonI’ve also been gearing up for the Class of 2013: YA Superlatives Blogfest, which begins December 16th and continues through December 19th. I’m co-hosting with Jessica Love, Tracey Neithercott, and Alison Miller for the 3rd consecutive year, and I can’t wait for the fun to begin. Four days, more than forty categories, and tons of fantastic book recommendations! Click on the button above for all the details. We’re hoping you’ll join us and help spread the word!

What’s Inspiring Me Now: A post by called 4 Writing Tips to Show and Not Tell. It’s packed with timely reminders, particularly for those of us stuck in the throes of revisions. Also, some fabulous thoughts from YA Highway‘s Emilia Plater in a post titled In Defense of Solipsistic Teenage Girl.

I always feel inspired by my girl, but I’m especially thankful for her around the holidays. I found out I was pregnant with her on Thanksgiving seven years ago, so this particular holiday is an extra special time for my husband and me. Sadly, some of our closest friends are in the midst of an incredibly tragic loss, and I am beyond devastated for them. Their experience makes my heart hurt so badly, and it makes me want to scoop my daughter up and hold her close always and forever. Give your loved ones hugs and kisses every chance you get. ♡

Happy Thanksgiving to all who will celebrate tomorrow.
Tell me… What’s up with you today?

32 thoughts on “What’s Up Wednesday

  1. Jennifer Pickrell says:

    Awww, that pic of you and your girl is so sweet 🙂

    I loved Tell the Wolves I’m Home.

    I’m about to do some baking today, trying out that Nutella brownie recipe you linked to awhile ago. I’m *hoping* I won’t eat them all this afternoon and some will be left for Thanksgiving tomorrow.

    • katyupperman says:

      Glad to get another positive WOLVES rec. I’ve heard great things, and while I’m only about fifty pages in, I’m already a fan. Hope you love those brownies, Jen. I think you will. 🙂

  2. Rebecca B says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Katy!
    That is an excellent tweet from Victoria Marini, and just what I needed to see as I finish up a confused first draft. Good luck with your revisions!

  3. Temre Beltz says:

    Go, Katy! You are doing fantastic on your revisions. You have completed a brand new story that has captured your heart (that SO many of us are dying to read!!), and even if the chipping and polishing takes some time, it is all there. That’s what I love so much about completing first drafts – while writing i almost feel as if I’m in a race against time so that the creative thoughts don’t fly out of my head, but once they are down on paper, I know they are caught and will wait patiently for me to figure out (with help from awesome CPs) what exactly they were trying to say in the first place 🙂 I can’t wait to hear about your Thanksgiving dinner! I went shopping at TJ’s yesterday for all of my ingredients and am now catching glimpses of my turkey in the refrigerator wondering how this will all work out! Also, the picture of you and C is absolutely beautiful. It took my breath away because it truly captures that feeling of a mama just wanting to hold our babies close and safe for always. I am so sorry to hear your friends are going through a hard time, but thankful they have a friend like you to love and be there for them. I hope you and your family have an incredible Thanksgiving!! (P.S. I found out I was pregnant with V on Thanksgiving too!)

    • katyupperman says:

      Tem, that P.S. totally made me grin. How cool that we both have girls with a special tie to Thanksgiving. 🙂 I’m wishing you the best of luck with your big Thanksgiving dinner. I have a feeling you will make it amazing, and I can’t wait to hear about all of the tasty foods you fix. Loved your picture book post today — now C and I have new books to look for the next time we’re at the library!

  4. Kris F. Oliver says:

    Such a gorgeous pic of you and your girl! Very sweet.

    And baking, holy yum. I’m about to start on the second round of massive baking. This time of year is rather epic. And we’re celebrating Thanksgiving with friends too this year. As one of my friends put it, “Friends are family that you get to choose yourself”

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

    • katyupperman says:

      Thanks, Kris! I love baking, so this is one of my favorite times of year, food-wise. We’re pretty used to celebrating holidays with friends, and while we miss our families, we consider ourselves very luck to be near wonderful people here in California. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  5. Ghenet Myrthil says:

    Aww, so sweet that you found out you were pregnant on Thanksgiving. I love that photo of you and your girlie.

    You have me intrigued over what happened in RECLAIMED! I have to pick that one up.

    I’m also hosting Thanksgiving this year, for the first time! It’ll be a small group, and we’re doing it pot luck style so my husband and I are only making turkey, one side, and pumpkin pie. My other family members are each bringing something. I hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful!

    • katyupperman says:

      Our Thanksgiving is a potluck as well, Ghenet. I think that makes life so much easier for everyone. Nobody wants the pressure of fixing that whole meal! Hope you have a great holiday. 🙂

  6. Jaime Morrow says:

    I know I already said this on IG, but I love that photo of you and your girlie and think you should frame it. It’s one of those beautiful mother/daughter moments that should be preserved. 🙂

    I think I loved FIRE the best out of all three of Cashore’s books. There was just something that really appealed to me about the MC, more so than with Katsa whose kickassery made her tough to relate to at times. And as for Catching Fire, I liked this movie so much better than the first one. I think it had so much more feeling. I also didn’t miss the shaky cam from the first one either lol.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Katy! Hope the packing process is as stress-free as it can possibly be.

    • katyupperman says:

      Thanks, Jaime. I love that photo too. My husband snapped it randomly last week while I was taking a break from fixing dinner. 🙂

      I think I *might* have loved FIRE best of all the Graceling books as well. I adore Katsa and Po, but like you said, I didn’t really relate to Katsa. She’s way more hardcore than I am! I love BITTERBLUE as well, but it lacked a HEA romance-wise, which made me a little sad. FIRE was pretty much perfection as far as I’m concerned.

      Have a great week, Jaime!

  7. Carrie-Anne says:

    I personally don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, as a lifelong Native American ally, but out of respect for my parents and their traditions, I’m going over to their house for the holiday. Hopefully they’ll have enough vegetarian food for me to get a full meal.

    I love cinnamon rolls! Maybe if Hanukkah Harry gets me some muffin tins for the holiday, I can start making my own cinnamon rolls and muffins soon.

  8. Jennie (@JennieWrites) says:

    So sorry to hear about your friend’s tragic loss. That makes my heart hurt.

    The draft tweet your agent posted yesterday was perfect for me, too. I’ve been feeling a bit like my first draft is TOO CRAPPY. You know that “I suck so much I shouldn’t be trying this.” feeling. But, I read that tweet and said, nope. I’m doing it right. 🙂

    • katyupperman says:

      I have that “I SUCK” feeling every single day, Jennie. I think if we didn’t, we’d be delusional and unable to grow as writers. At least that’s what I keep telling myself. 🙂

      Have a great Thanksgiving!

  9. Miss Cole says:

    Thanks for sharing the cinnamon roll recipe! I always miss those when I’m not in the US. I can’t wait to try making them myself 😀

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  10. Krispy says:

    That pic of you and your girl is precious. We should be grateful for what we have every day, but it’s nice to have a holiday like Thanksgiving to give us the reminder and the sort of time and space to do so. My sympathies to your friends!

    So thrilled that you liked FIRE and also Catching Fire! I liked but didn’t love The Hunger Games movie, but I loved CF! It was everything I wish the first one had been like, and now I’m pumped for Mockingjay (even though that was my least favorite book). For the Graceling books, I think I still like Graceling best, but I loved what a different kind of heroine Fire was and how different that side of the world (beyond the mountains) is! I still need to read Bitterblue.

    Looking forward to hearing what you think of Tell The Wolves I’m Home because I’ve been eyeing that one for a while. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!!

    • katyupperman says:

      Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

      I know what you mean about Fire being a different sort of heroine. She’s unnaturally gorgeous and can influence minds, yet I found her the most relatable of all the Graceling realm girls. She’s gentle and has such a kind heart. I loved that about her. Also, Brigan. ❤

  11. Alexa says:

    That photo of the two of you is absolutely gorgeous. I’m so sorry for your friends though, I hope with time they’ll be okay.

    I am going to Catching Fire on Friday and I Can Not Wait, I’m so excited,

    You’re doing great with your revisions and I love your agents advice.

    Did I miss something, are you moving? Hope it all goes well if you are, packing up everything takes so long.

    Have a great week.

    • katyupperman says:

      Yep, we’re moving across the country, from California to Florida… Yikes!

      I hope you love Catching Fire. (I think you will. :-))

      Hope you have a wonderful week as well, Alexa!

  12. Ron Smith says:

    What a lovely, thoughtful post.

    I read Kristin Cashore’s Graceling, but not the sequels. I did like it, though.
    I don’t remember why I didn’t pick up the next one.

    Your computer screen looks like mine: notes in yellow highlighter.

    And I can smell those cinnamon rolls from here. Why are you torturing us?

    Have a happy Turkey Day!

    (And thanks for the writing links.)

    • katyupperman says:

      Oh, you should definitely read the other Graceling books, Ron — they’re amazing! And I highly recommend those cinnamon rolls… Yum! Hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful!

  13. Alison Miller says:

    I LOVE that pic of you and your girlie! And yes – that post by Monica was pretty fabulous (she’s awesome too!) and I saw that tweet by Victoria and I felt all kinds of validated. 🙂

    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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