Hello, February!

Oy. January was a weird, weird month. I am not at all sad to say farewell. But before I do, let’s chat about two big things I accomplished during the first thirty-one days of 2013:

First, I kicked Jan Plan‘s ass. Thank you, Christa Desir for sharing your motivational idea with me and the rest of the blogosphere. Finish one thing in January, you said, and I did! I received revision notes from my agent at the tail end of December, mulled them over, tackled them, sent my manuscript off for a beta read, and had the new and improved version back in said agent’s hands before the month was out. Win. The best part? My agent was pleased! For now, we’re calling that manuscript DONE.

Second, I ran 161 miles. That’s an average of just over five miles per day over thirty-one days. If I maintain that average all year, I’ll have run nearly 2,000 miles by 2014. I kind of want to do it! But, my poor joints are already achy. I feel like the rusty, creaky Tin Man before he’s oiled. We’ll see… 2,000 miles is definitely a worthy goal to strive for, but I’m not sure if my old bones can hang. Wish me luck?

Happy Friday, and happy February!

What was your biggest January accomplishment?