One-Word Wednesday

Happy Halloween, friends!

#4OClock :: Navigating a #cornmaze. #Autumn #Fall #PumpkinPatch #FMSPhotoADay
{Navigating the corn maze at the best pumpkin patch ever.}

{Listening to (and eventually enjoying) Red, the new Taylor Swift album. (Yes, my child has a DiscMan, not an iPod. She’s five, and we’re old school.)}

{Hula hoop tossing at the local Fall Festival. I know we’re only a few months into the school year, but so far I’m impressed with the community atmosphere of my daughter’s elementary school. This Fall Festival was a really cool family event/PTA fundraiser that kiddos of all ages seemed to have a blast at.}

{If you’ve never had Biscoff, you’re missing out. It’s a gingerbread-tasting spread that’s similar in consistency (and calorie count) to peanut butter. You can find it at World Market, and it is yummy! I found an fantastic recipe for Biscoff Chocolate Chip Cookies at Eat, Live, Run, one of my favorite food blogs. If you’re looking for a unique new cookie recipe, give this one a try! It’s definitely one of my new go-tos.}

{One-hundred ounces of Bud Light in preparation for the WSU vs. Standford football game that was awesome, despite a Cougar loss.}

{Remember the one-hundred ounces of beer? This is the kind of lasting memory it produces.}

{I’m plotting! A good thing, since NaNo beings TOMORROW! I’ve got my main characters and setting decided, along with my MC’s GMC and a loose plot outline. Tonight I hope to plot my first several scenes more specifically so I can hit the ground running tomorrow morning.}

{Pumpkin guts, I mean. My husband was deployed during Halloween last year, so this year’s annual pumpkin carving evening was extra special. My daughter ADORES Halloween and everything that goes with it — even pumpkin guts! Today she gets to participate in a costume parade and Halloween party at school, and then, of course, there will be trick-or-treating tonight. Can’t wait!}

How are you celebrating Halloween?
(And if you’re participating in NaNoWriMo, are you ready?)

26 thoughts on “One-Word Wednesday

  1. Jennifer Pickrell says:

    How have I never heard of Biscoff? Yum! I can already tell I will spend the morning trying to find this locally…sorry work, tasty wins out!

    Your daughter’s tights are awesome, as is the look on her face as she listens to the T-Swift album 🙂

    Happy Halloween and NaNo Eve!

  2. Jaime Morrow says:

    I’ve never heard of Biscoff, but you had me at gingerbread. It’s entirely likely that we don’t get it here in Canada. We have a lot of what you folks get south of the border, but no usually any of the cool seasonal stuff and whatnot. I’m going to go on a mad hunt for this now. 🙂 Great pictures again, Katy! Nice to see you guys enjoying the season and Halloweeny goodness!

  3. Temre Beltz says:

    Thank you so much for sharing, Katy! So fun to see you guys enjoying the fall and especially your sweet girlie 🙂 The look of glee on her face while carving the pumpkin is priceless! My four year old had that same look, until she actually felt those “guts”! She was a little shocked at how slimy they were, but she managed to get through it 🙂 Hope you have so much fun tonight!

  4. Krispy says:

    The corn maze looks cool! I’ve always wanted to try one. Halloween was going to be a no-go for me this year since I literally just got back from a fun but exhausting vacation last week. BUT then my coworkers decided to do a potluck and I found the perfect costume to be (wait for it) Taylor Swift! So I do get to join in on the fun – that and my sister bought our pup a shark costume.

    As for NaNo, I’m also last-minute jumping in. So NO, I am SO NOT prepared, but that’s what pantsing is all about right? Haha. Have fun Trick or Treating tonight! Hope we get to see your girl’s costume!

    • katyupperman says:

      I LOVE your costume idea! My girlie went through a brief phase where she wanted to be Taylor for Halloween. We were going to draw a thirteen on her hand and rock the red lipstick and all, but then she decided on Merida from Brave instead. I’ll definitely share a photo or two. 🙂 Happy Halloween!

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