NaNo Update #2

Happy Election Day!

Progress (word count or a general status update): 11, o33… We’re approaching Plot Point One, yo.

Current Mood: Excited… This thing’s starting to feel like it might be a REAL STORY someday!

Inspiration: Close the door. Write with no one looking over your shoulder. Don’t try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say. It’s the one and only thing you have to offer. ~ Barbara Kingsolver (So wise!)

Goals as of Today: Write at least 2K every day for the remainder of the work week, and at least 1K on Saturday and Sunday.

Recent Favorite NaNo WiP Line: If Bree and Henry’s relationship excelled in any area, it was meeting the status quo…. Bree knew Henry would order Eggs Benedict and a large orange juice at brunch, just as she knew he favored heather-gray boxer-briefs and would agree to just about anything she suggested, so long as she was kissing his neck while she asked. 

Non-NaNo News (because life DOES go on): My pulled muscle is still pulled, so that sucks. I’ve been getting my elliptical on because I’m signed up to run the Big Sur Half Marathon in two weeks, but the gym sucks. I miss my running route. Here’s hoping my body will start cooperating soon.

In my downtime (ha!) I’m reading: Um. Still Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler. I rewarded myself with forty-five minutes of in-the-sun reading yesterday and it was glorious. I’m moving slowly on this book, but not because I don’t enjoy the story (I totally do! Hud’s voice rocks!), but because, as you might imagine, I don’t have tons of extra reading time these days.

You should read this blog post: Welcome to November By: My agency sister Taryn Albright Because: She offers some sage advice for “winning” NaNo. Plus, she’s smart and witty and fun.

You should also read this blog post: Manners Matter: 13 Etiquette Tips By: Literary Agent Rachel Gardner Because: Her tips are excellent reminders, especially in this vastly digital age.

Gratuitous Photograph (because I love ‘em!): Today you get two… Yay!


Write drunk; edit sober. ~ Ernest Hemingway (Yeah. I wasn’t actually drunk, but you’d be surprised at how the words flow after a Bud Light or two. :))

How’s your researching/plotting/drafting/revising/editing coming?

26 thoughts on “NaNo Update #2

  1. Meredith says:

    Dude, you are kicking NaNo’s butt! 11,000 plus words so far is awesome!

    Hope your leg feels better soon. I know firsthand how disappointing it is to train for a race, only to be sidelined by an injury at the last minute. 😦 Really hope you get to run!

    • katyupperman says:

      Oh, if I have to CRAWL that race course, I’m doing it… I’ve worked too hard not to!

      How are you feeling, Meredith? Better, I hope! And how’s your NaNo project coming along?

  2. Mrs. Silverstein says:

    I love love love that etiquette post. Thanks for sharing! Your wordcount is impressive–keep it up! You may not be running outside but you’re sure sprinting ahead with your writing!

  3. Rebecca B says:

    Awesome word count! And I hope you can run again soon–I agree, the gym is a poor substitute for a running route.

    • katyupperman says:

      Ugh… My missed runs are making me so grouchy! I want to be outside in the fresh air!

      Thanks for the word count kuddos, Rebecca. How’s your project coming along?

  4. Temre Beltz says:

    Wow, Katy!! You are doing amazing! I am so excited for you and so very excited for your new story. I hope your pulled muscle feels better soon, and thank you for the great blog post links. I’ll just be here cheering for you on the sidelines 🙂 Go NaNo Katy!

  5. Jaime Morrow says:

    Sounds like your WIP is coming along great. I love the snippet you shared! I borrowed the template today too. 🙂 My snippet is a bit lengthy and only so-so, but it was still kind of fun to share. I hear you on not having as much time to read lately. I’ve been dying to do a little more reading, but with NaNo and revising the other WIP I’m about to query, it’s just not happening.

    Hope your pulled muscle is better soon and that you have a good NaNo day!

    • katyupperman says:

      Thanks, Jaime! I just took a peek at your NaNo snippet and I love it! What are you reading (slowly!) these days? I’m thinking I need to get my hands on DAYS OF BLOOD AND STARLIGHT, like, yesterday!

  6. Caryn Caldwell says:

    Go, go, go!!! 😀

    Seriously, what a cool way to keep track of your NaNoWriMo progress. I love the lines from your WIP, so I can see why you chose those to share. Sounds like a fun book! Hope your pulled muscle feels better soon.

    • katyupperman says:

      Thanks so much, Caryn! Knowing that I’ll be sharing snippets helps to motivate me. I enjoyed reading your story about the exploding oatmeal this morning… Totally cracked me up while I was waiting in the waiting room at my doctor’s office. 🙂

  7. Elodie says:

    Love your updates 😀 Congrats on the word count, Katy! And yay for sharing a snippet of your work. You know how much I look forward to those 😀
    Hope your pulled muscle doesn´t prevent you to do the race! I know how hard you worked on it!
    My reading has been super slow lately. I´m currently enjoying TIME BETWEEN US but with the train-time entirely dedicated to NaNo, I lose precious reading minutes 😀

    • katyupperman says:

      Thanks, Elodie! Turns out my “pulled muscle” is actually sciatica, which is frustrating to hear twelve days before the run I’ve been training for for the last six months. If I have to crawl that course, I’m doing it!

      I liked TIME BETWEEN US a lot. Did you know there’s a follow-up coming out in 2013?

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