Ready. Set. WRITE!

Recently, one of my CPs (and a favorite friend), Alison Miller sent me an email about how she’s been considering summer and how she really wants to do some serious writing on her new work-in-progress. She’s not really a NANO person, she said, but she thought she could probably manage to write 1000 words a day. She wondered if I’d be interested in setting some summer writing goals as well.

Of course I am! I have a new WiP that I need to do some major work on, and I could totally use the motivation (and peer pressure) of my writing friends to keep me on track. So when Alison suggested that we set up some sort of summer writing intensive, and WOW, wouldn’t it be cool if we got a lot of other people to join us so we could encourage each other and hold each other accountable and cheer, cheer, cheer each other on from our writing corners, I was totally onboard.

And so, Ready. Set. WRITE! was born.

ready set write button

Alison Miller, Elodie Nowodazkij, Erin Funk, Jaime Morrow, and I are hosting a summer writing intensive called Ready. Set. WRITE! and we’d LOVE for you to join us! We plan to kick off our summer of writing Tuesday, June 11th and write, write, write for 2 full months. We’ll update weekly about what we’ve been writing and share our goals for the coming days.

Care to join us in our writing bliss?!

Totally what I wear when I’m drafting during the summer…

More specifics on Ready. Set. Write!

Purpose: Drafting/revising/writing novels, flash fiction, or short stories — whatever! As long as we’re writing!

What We’ll Do: Set weekly (or monthly or overall) goals — whatever works for each individual. We’ll update weekly on What’s Up Wednesday? (you know, in the What I’m Writing section). We’ll share what we’ve accomplished and set goals for the new week, and maybe include an excerpt or some gushing about our amazing works-in-progress. (Never heard of What’s Up Wednesday? You can check out some sample posts HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE.)

There’s More! We’ll also host occasional (optional) drafting/revising parties on Twitter, providing lots of support for each other, and… We’ll be sponsoring a fantastic writer’s giveaway!

Ready. Set. WRITE! will kick off Tuesday June 11th with sign-ups on our blogs. We’ll set our first goals as a part of June 12th‘s edition of What’s Up Wednesday? and update each other each consecutive Wednesday. In the meantime, start thinking about what you want to write/revise. Set some goals. Write a little — or a lot. Grab our button and help spread the word! And be prepared to…

Ready. Set. WRITE!

ready set write button

34 thoughts on “Ready. Set. WRITE!

  1. Elodie says:

    Hahahaha – that’s funny cause’ that’s also my outfit…:P I know I’m super excited about starting. I need my draft to become less draft-y…

  2. Jaime Morrow says:

    I’m really looking forward to setting some writing goals for the summer, because right now I’m starting to make excuses and get a bit lazy about it. This way I’ll have a bunch of people to keep me accountable!

    • katyupperman says:

      I’ve been lazy too, Jaime. I’ve got an outline and an idea I love, but it’s been tough to dive in to actually writing. Looking forward to a summer of productivity!

  3. zanne says:

    This sounds like a great idea and I’m definitely in! Like Jaime said – I’m also making excuses and getting lazy about it. Hopefully this will help me get focused. I have no motivation at all right now. Plus, I really should start doing the What’s Up Wednesday posts.

  4. Tracey Neithercott (@T_Neithercott) says:

    I love this idea! I’m going to do my best to join in when I can (is it all or nothing?) since my goal for the month is querying. But once I start sending those out I plan to start on a new story, so the accountability will help!

    ps. I also write topless in bikini bottoms. It’s how my muse prefers it.

    • katyupperman says:

      I think our muses are on the floozy side, which I LOVE.

      And no, definitely not all or nothing. We want this to be something that’s customizable for everyone. Set different goals for yourself each week, and strive to meet them. 🙂

  5. Erin Funk says:

    I think I’d better stick to pajama bottoms and a nerd shirt, and not only because of the sunburn factor lol. Can’t wait to get started on this! My WIP could really benefit from a few goals right now!

    • katyupperman says:

      I’m wearing yoga pants and a baggy t-shirt now, but I’ll put on my bikini later. 😉

      Looking forward to writing with you this summer, Erin!

  6. Ghenet Myrthil says:

    I love this idea! This is exactly what I need right now. I’m really close to being done with my current revision (maybe I can finish by the 11th!) and would love to start a new WIP right after. Yay!

  7. Alison Miller says:

    Um…my writing outfit of choice is a tank top and shorts. But hey – whatever works for you! 😉 And thank you so much for joining in with me! You’re one of my favorite friends too!

    • katyupperman says:

      As I told Erin, I’m currently wearing yoga pants and a baggy t-shirt, but I’ll put on my bikini later. 🙂

      Thanks for including me in this amazing idea… Can’t wait to start writing!

  8. Carrie-Anne says:

    I’m about 345,000 words into my current WIP, guesstimated finish around 500,000 words. I’m not expecting to be finished by the end of the summer, but I’d like to be done by the end of the year if possible. Since I’m obviously not really a word-counting type of person, I’d want to measure my progress in how much time I spend writing each day vs. exact words written.

    • katyupperman says:

      Sounds great, Carrie-Anne. The whole thing is meant to be really flexible and customizable. It’s all about setting goals that work for you. 🙂

    • katyupperman says:

      You should totally join us, lady! The best part is that it’s all flexible and customizable to what you’re up for. AND we get to root each other on!

  9. Stephanie Allen says:

    If I wore that outfit while I was writing, my father would never let me enter his house again.

    My summer vacation starts the following week, so this is perfect! I was already planning to finish polishing SHARDS for querying at the end of this month and finishing the first draft of my new WIP by the end of the summer, anyway, so this will be some great motivation 🙂

    • katyupperman says:

      I don’t think my father (or my husband!) would be impressed with that drafting outfit either. 😉

      I’m so glad you’re going to join us, Steph. Here’s to a very productive summer!

  10. Jessica Silverstein says:

    This is perfect timing! School is over for me this week (a perk of my part-time status is that I’m not on the schedule for exam proctoring!!!) and I’m getting ready to really start carving out big chunks of my day for writing all summer long. It will be so much fun to do it with all of you awesome ladies!

  11. Alexa says:

    I’m definitely joining in, what a great idea! If our summer is as wet and miserable as last year I should get loads done!

  12. lisarosenman says:

    I’m in! I’ve been stubbornly not writing for the last two weeks, and I think it’s because I need to do some MAJOR plot revision on my WiP. I need some accountability! And something more to blog about too. 🙂

  13. Andrea R. Black says:

    I have been writing my novel and looking for a group to keep me motivating and accountable. I know Ready.Set.WRITE already started, but can I still join? Thank you.

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