September Reading Wrap-Up

Just three books in September, because I logged about a million hours revising and editing my (just announced!) 2018 YA.  🙂
(As always, cover images link to Goodreads pages.)

Wanderlost by Jen Malone – So cute! Voice-y and fun and sweet, plus Wanderlost gave me a wicked case of wanderlust. To be completely honest, the plot here is rather implausible, but I didn’t even care because the story itself is so full of wit and charm. I’m all sorts of jealous of Aubree’s European adventures, I loved her character arc, and I can totally relate to her duck-out-of-water feelings when it comes to stepping out and taking risks. I adored her super swoony romance with adorable Sam, as well as the expertly-developed (and unexpectedly hilarious) elderly people on the tour she leads. Definitely pick Wanderlost up if you’re looking for a light contemporary YA that’s bursting with heart.

The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman – I bought this novel in an airport bookstore after watching the movie trailer in a random Facebook ad. I loved it. It’s historical fiction with a setting so vividly described, I felt as though I was on Janus with Tom and Isabel. Tragically, our protagonists have lost three pregnancies, leaving them (Isabel especially) desperate for a child. Serendipitously, a row boat washes up on their isolated lighthouse island. Inside is a baby girl, who Tom and Isabel decide to raise her as their own. Obviously there are a lot of intensely bittersweet feelings that come along with such a choice, especially when they discover the baby’s mother is alive, grieving her lost daughter on the mainland. While I became frustrated with Isabel at certain points, I could also relate to her fertility struggles and her longing, which may have played a part in my appreciation of this story. Regardless, it’s beautifully written and deeply emotional, and I highly recommend it if you’re into historical fiction with a literary slant.

Catch a Falling Star by Kim Culbertson – I borrowed this one from the library on a whim, mostly because its cover caught my eye. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it! I thought it’d be a fluffy, wish-fulfillment sort of story, but it’s not, thanks to author Kim Culbertson’s skillful writing and main character Carter’s overall awesomeness. When Hollywood bad boy Adam Jakes comes to Carter’s small town to film a movie, he tangles her up in a PR stunt, paying her to play his small-town girlfriend, thus improving his image. Carter only accepts because she’s got a legitimate need for the cash Adam offers, but of course it’s not long before she begins to fall for him. Without giving anything away, a lot about this story surprised me, and I ended up smitten with Adam just as Carter was. Give Catch a Falling Star a read if you’re into books by Huntley Fitzpatrick and Leila Howland.

Tell me: What’s the best book you read in September? 

2 thoughts on “September Reading Wrap-Up

  1. Jennifer Pickrell says:

    THE LIGHT BETWEEN OCEANS caught my attention, too, after I randomly saw the trailer. Those few moments make me think I’ll need a truckload of tissues to get through the book and the movie. So many feels.

    Your three books have me beat. I just started Elodie’s new one, but before that it had been weeks since I picked anything up. I’m hoping the cooler weather will inspire me to get some reading time in!

    • Katy Upperman says:

      I’m having a bit of a reading slump too, Jennifer. Though, I did just fly through a 2017 debut, WAIT FOR ME by Caroline Leech and LOVED it. I bet you will too! (And yes, THE LIGHT BETWEEN OCEANS movie is going to be SO angsty — I can’t wait!)

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