What’s Up Wednesday


“What’s Up Wednesday” is a fun weekly meme started by my friends Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk. From Jaime: It’s similar in some respects to the Currently… post, but it’s been whittled down to only four headings to make it quicker and more manageable on a weekly basis. You’re invited to join us if you’re looking for something to blog about, a way to let your blog friends know what’s been going on with you. If you’re participating, make sure to link your What’s Up Wednesday posts to the list on Jaime’s blog each week. That way, others can visit your post and check out what you’ve been up to. And now, here’s what’s up with me this week…

What I’m Reading: I finally finished 11/22/63 by Stephen King and ended up liking it a lot. My full review is HERE, as a part of my October Reading Wrap-Up. Next, I read Ellie Cahill’s When Joss Met Matt and loved it so much. It’s a contemporary NA about a unique and precarious friends-with-benefits situation (sorbet, if you will) and it is fantastic. The writing is spot-on, the characters are layered and likable, and the steamy scenes were just the right sort of steamy. When Joss Met Matt is one of those All the Feels books, and I can’t remember the last time I rooted for a couple so enthusiastically. It’s out February, 2015! Now, I’m reading Blue Lily, Lily Blue and damn it if it isn’t gorgeous. Can I be Maggie Stiefvater when I grow up? And I can have a Gansey of my own, too?


What I’m Writing: I’m still drafting my contemporary YA WiP, Stars Like Dust, and I’m still loving it. *sigh of relief* It’s super challenging, but from challenge comes reward (or something) and I’m doing my best. I’m up to about 18K, and I’ve set a 1K per day (with the exception of Saturdays — family day) goal. I’m part of a Google spreadsheet with some other awesome writers, and the thought of entering a number less than 1K in my little cells makes me feel like a loser, so I’m properly motivated. Whatever it takes, right?

What Else I’ve Been Up To: The last week has been busy! We did all the fun Halloween things like pumpkin carving and candy buying and dressing up…

My girlie and I were witches. She specifically asked to be “the pretty blonde witch from Hocus Pocus” (Sarah Jessica Parker) and I think we nailed it. 😉

She also wrapped up her cheer season. The football team she cheers for ended up winning the championship game last night — pretty exciting!

The other day I baked Pumpkin Bread with Streusel and it was very yummy, more like a dessert than a bread. My daughter said, “This is healthy because it has pumpkin in it, right?” Yep. Pumpkin, plus three cups of sugar.

What Works For Me: Cheering on my friends as they do amazing things! Have you see the cover of Riley Edgewood’s VIP, the first of three acts in her steamy NA, Rock & Release? It’s gorgeous, and the story’s even better. If you like books featuring strong-but-searching protagonists and sexy musicians and beautiful writing, you should most definitely check Riley’s Rock & Release. Seriously. I love this story!

You can preorder VIP for your eReader (only $.99!) by clicking HERE.

Tell me… What’s up with you today? 

32 thoughts on “What’s Up Wednesday

  1. Jess Silverstein says:

    I am dreading getting to the end of BL.LB! I love it so much and I ship…everyone. Like, whatever any given relationship is, I want it to work SO BADLY. (And they’re all complicated and undefinable. There’s one that I did not anticipate rooting for so strongly but we’ll see what happens because, you know, this series.) I literally had a moment around chapter six or seven where I finally thought I had picked a favorite Raven Boy and then everything exploded (…literally) and I shook my fist and yelled “MAGGIE!” and then I was very glad I was reading at home and not on public transportation anymore.

    Also, that Google Spreadsheet sounds genius! What great motivation! Way to go on adding so consistently and staying excited about your new story!

    • Katy Upperman says:

      I adore all the Raven Boys, but Gansey… *sigh* I will be very, very unhappy if something bad happens to him. I think I am loving BLLB because there’s all sorts of good Gansey time. 🙂 Have a great week, Jess!

  2. Rachelwrites007 says:

    OMG that bread looks delicious!!!!!!!! *salivates from the screen* Good luck with your 1k a day. You can do it!!! My goal is to get my revisions done. Now if they get sent to agent, yay. If not, hey I finished. 😀 Have a great week and enjoy BLLB!

    • Katy Upperman says:

      The kitty is never far when there’s a comfy lap to nap on. She’s ruthless. 😉 You should totally give that Pumpkin Bread recipe a try… It’s been a hit in my house!

  3. Stephanie Scott says:

    I love how any time Hocus Pocus is on cable it ends up trending on twitter; it’s kids and adults who remember it from being kids. I think it has a cult following, I hear so much about that movie around Halloween. Love the costumes you two chose!

    • Katy Upperman says:

      It is such a fun movie! My daughter LOVES it. It also prompted her to ask me what a virgin is, so it’s kind of a mixed blessing. 😉 Have a great week, Stephanie!

  4. Jaime Morrow says:

    BLUE LILY, LILY BLUE has been out for two weeks and I still haven’t picked up a copy. What is wrong with me?! I’ll have to get on that before I end up getting spoiled. Well, and because that series is just awesome.

    I watched Hocus Pocus for the first time on Halloween. I’ve been hearing about it for years, but had never actually seen it. It was fun, but I kind of have a soft spot for Practical Magic lol. Your pumpkin loaf looks amazing, by the way. So good! I made a pumpkin pie (pies…) back in October with a streusel topping and I don’t think I will ever make plain old pumpkin pie again. The streusel just kicks it up a notch, doesn’t it? Hope you’re having a wonderful week, Katy! And good luck with drafting! 😀

    • Katy Upperman says:

      I didn’t start BLLB until a few days ago, and I am still SO scared of being spoiled. It’s predictably excellent so far, and I can’t wait to see how it ends. (Also, I’m terrified to see how it ends!) And yes to your comment about the streusel. It’s so easy to whip up, and it makes desserts seem extra fancy and taste extra good. I remember seeing pictures of your pies and they looked amazing! Have a great week, Jaime!

  5. Kris F. Oliver says:

    You guys are absolutely adorable witches! And yes, anything with pumpkin in it is by definition healthy. *grin*

    Blue Lily, Lily Blue is my reward for surviving October. I wish I could say I’m going to savor it, but I’ll probably stay up all night reading ’till the end. Patience isn’t a virtue of anyone who adores good books.

    Good luck with your 1K a day! You can do it! 🙂

    • Katy Upperman says:

      BLLB is excellent so far, Kris! I’m excited for you to read it. It’s taking a great amount of self-control not to spend my entire day reading. Must hit my word count goal and, you know, make sure my kiddo eats. 🙂 Have a wonderful week!

  6. Melanie Stanford says:

    Both When Joss Met Matt and VIP sound great. I think I’ve only read one NA (from what I can remember) but I think the WIP I’m working on now might end up being NA so I definitely need to get on some of these books!
    Love the costumes.

    • Katy Upperman says:

      I haven’t read tons of NA either, Melanie, but in my experience, it’s either REALLY good or REALLY bad. JOSS and VIP are both excellent. Others I’ve loved are Elizabeth Briggs’s MORE THAN MUSIC and Kristen Callihan’s THE HOOK UP (*really* race, but I loved the couple!). Have a great week, lady!

  7. prerna pickett says:

    Cute pics! And delicious treats! Looks like you guys had fun! And I would also like to be Maggie Stievfater when I grow up. I love when a book challenges me because it helps you grow as a writer and opens your eyes to so many things!

    • Katy Upperman says:

      Thanks, Prerna! I agree about growing as a writer while penning challenging books. Though, as I look back, I can’t think of anything I’ve ever written that hasn’t been a challenge! I think the act of completing a novel-length manuscript is huge on its own. 🙂 Hope you have an awesome week!

  8. Alexa says:

    Your daughter and you look so cute, great costumes. I’m dressing up next year!
    The spreadsheet sounds an excellent way to keep on track. I love the title of your new WIP.
    I need to get my hands on Blue Lily, Lily Blue, I adore that series and her writing is just amazing.
    Have a great week.

    • Katy Upperman says:

      Thanks, Alexa! My WiPs title came from a Rumi poem, which relates to the story. I hope you get to read BLLB soon — I’m loving it! MS’s writing is pretty much mind-blowing. I’ll buy anything she writes!

  9. C.E. Darrell says:

    Your daughter is much, much cuter than SJP, but I see the similarities in witchiness! It looks like you had a great Halloween!

    I think I’ve read a few *too* many All The Feels books lately, because I find myself getting angsty and overemotional just thinking about the characters in them, so maybe I should steer clear of WHEN JOSS MET MATT, at least until I read a few light books to clear my head 😛

    Have a wonderful week, Katy!

    • Katy Upperman says:

      Since JOSS isn’t out until February, I think you have time to fit in some lighter books. But you should definitely read it! It has some truly heartbreaking moments, but some hilarious moments as well. Seriously… It’s a little bit of everything, and it’s awesome. 🙂

  10. Laurel Holman says:

    Oooh, I love the idea of a shared google spreadsheet where you have to enter your word count each day. Anything that links you up with others for shared accountability is so good. Way to go!

    • Katy Upperman says:

      Laurel, the spreadsheet has been awesome for productivity. I have to credit Sara McClung with the idea and rounding up some fantastic people to help keep everyone accountable. Have an awesome week, lady!

  11. Carrie says:

    LOVE the costumes! I also love the idea of a shared spreadsheet for motivation – genius! That would definitely kick me into gear on those days when the word count just won’t. seem. to. move…:)

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