Ready. Set. Write! 2015 Wrap-Up


Ready. Set. WRITE! is a summer writing intensive that encourages goal-setting and accountability, and provides an opportunity for us to cheer each other on wherever we’re at with our writing projects—planning, drafting, revising, or polishing. This year, your RSW hosts are Alison MillerJaime MorrowErin FunkElodie Nowodazkij, and myself.

*** Thanks so much to everyone who joined us for RSW this year. It’s been an incredible summer, and I’ve had so much fun following along with your progress and celebrating your successes. Thanks to my fellow hosts, too, who’ve been a constant source of support and encouragement. ❤ ***

How I did on this summer’s goals…

1a.  Draft at least 30K words in my new WiP by summer’s end.

Success! My new WiP’s sitting pretty at 30,619. I plan to finish the first draft during the next few months. (Hopefully.)

1b. Revise The Road So Far.

Success! The Road So Far is currently with my agent.

2. Read 12 books by summer’s end.

Success! I actually read 14: Something Real, The Wrath & the Dawn, Devoted, Emmy & Oliver, The Devil You Know, Saint Anything, A Summer Like No Other, More Happy Than Not, All We Have Is Now, Pretty Baby, Play On, Lord of the Flies, Truth & Temptation, and Jesse’s Girl.

3. Get stronger.

Success! I kept up with my exercise goals all summer. Hoping to do the same through autumn.

4. Explore a new place each week.

Success! Guys, we’ve been all over the place, and seen so many cool things! Highlights: swimming in the Gulf of Mexico, a walk through Savannah, a ghost tour in Charleston, putt-putt golfing in Hilton Head, a tour of downtown DC, a journey around Antietam Battlefield, kayaking in the Occoquan River, a trip to Mount Vernon, a visit to the Smithsonian’s Museum of Natural History and National Museum of the American Indian, shopping at the American Girl store, Taylor Swift and Toby Keith concerts, The Beach at the National Building Museum, a visit to the site of the Battle of Bull Run, and most recently, a tour of downtown Philadelphia and a day riding coasters at Hersheypark. So fun!

5. Cross at least two items off my Thirty Before 35 list. 

Success! I planted my herb garden and completed my 500 piece puzzle.

And now… Manuscripts and Manicures

I’ve chosen to focus on The Road So Far for Manuscripts and Manicures, first because it’s done, and second because it’s my favorite. It’s about Tucker, an eighteen-year-old who embarks on a west coast road trip with his girlfriend and two best friends in search of his mother, who’s been missing his whole life.

 Here’s the story’s Pinterest board, if you’re curious. 


And here’s an excerpt…

We fall back onto the highway. Callie pulls the pastries we ordered from their paper bag, tucks a leg under to twist in her seat, then feeds me pieces of croissant and coffee cake.

“You’re the best travel buddy ever,” I tell her between bites.

She smiles. “No, you are.”

I snag her hand and kiss her palm. “Seriously, Cal. You’re my compass.”

We drive on, through flat colorless terrain. The sky’s unobstructed and endless, an electric blue that’s incongruous with the scrubby, monochrome landscape. Puffy clouds drift by. Callie points out shapes: a dragon, an angel, a dolphin, an arrow pointing west, backward.

Not an omen, I tell myself. Not. An. Omen. 

It isn’t long before we’re approaching the Colorado River, marked by a sign with Arizona’s state flag, a golden star surrounded by rays of red and yellow. The Grand Canyon State Welcomes You, it declares. Callie squeezes my hand as we cross the bridge. She looks as anxious as I feel. If ever we’ve had a there’s no going back moment, this is it. We’re driving blind now, into a state none of us has visited, searching for a person who might’ve left years ago. We’re setting ourselves up for disappointment, for failure, and I’m leading the charge with my dumbass flag flapping proudly in the breeze.

And… my manicure! 

IMG_2351Dashed lines like the middle of a road, bright red like stop signs, silver sparkles like snow, and a heart, because romance (of course).

Did you participate in RSW this summer?
Don’t forget to link to your wrap-up below!

RSW – Update 11


Ready. Set. WRITE! is a summer writing intensive that encourages goal-setting and accountability, and provides an opportunity for us to cheer each other on wherever we’re at with our writing projects—planning, drafting, revising, or polishing. This year, your RSW hosts are Alison MillerJaime MorrowErin FunkElodie Nowodazkij, and myself.


This is the last week of Ready. Set. Write! Next Monday, August 31st, we’ll be posting our wrap-ups. Seriously, how has this summer flown by so quickly?!

August 31st is also the date of our first ever Manuscripts and Manicures event. We’ll be painting our nails in a way that reflects our current WiPs, then posting a photo of our manicures, as well as anything else we want to share about the stories we’ve spent all summer working on, like a blurb or excerpt. So, get inspired, get painting, and enjoy this final week of Ready. Set. Write! 

In other news… Big congrats to Alicia Gregoire, lucky winner of last week’s Ready. Set. Write! prize package! I’ll be in touch for your contact info, Alicia!

1.  How I did on last week’s goals.

1.1a.  Draft at least 30K words in my new WiP by summer’s end. –> Success!
1b. Revise The Road So Far. –> Success!

No recent progress on my new WiP, but I did incorporate the beta notes I’ve received into The Road So Far. Sent the manuscript off to my agent last night. Cue anxious waiting…

2. Read 12 books by summer’s end. –> Success! I finished my twelfth book of the summer, William Golding’s Lord of the Flies

3. Get stronger. –> In progress. I elliptical-ed once and practiced yoga four times. I love yoga, y’all. I’m starting to notice tiny muscles in my arms and shoulders — yes!

4. Explore a new place each week. –> Success! We visited downtown Manassas, Virginia, as well as the sight of the Battle of Bull Run (AKA the Battle of Manassas). I’ve got plenty of gripes about living in this part of the country, but I do love that there are tons of (often free) things to do. Plus, there’s lots of history, and the landscapes are gorgeous.

My girlie and I also went back-to-school shopping. Below is a photo of her, lamenting one of the super cute outfits I picked out. All she wanted was graphic cat t-shirts and leopard print leggings. Isn’t parenting fun? 😉

5. Cross at least two items off my Thirty Before 35 list. –> Success! I’m still working on #17 as I draft my WiP, but I’ve planted my herb garden and completed my 500 piece puzzle.

2.  My goal(s) for this week.

Add words to my (somewhat abandoned) WiP. Read Miranda Kenneally’s Jesse’s Girl. Keep up my exercise routine. Lots of family time.

3.  A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.

“It’s a California Historical Landmark,” Callie says after a sip of coffee. “It’s a good thing we stopped in Crescent City, guys. Lighthouses are good omens.”

Drew snorts. “Says who?”

“Says me. Their whole purpose is to guide sailors to safety.” She looks to me for confirmation, and I nod with exaggerated devotion.

Drew laughs. “Tuck, you’ll say the sky’s green if she tells you to.”

I shrug. “Maybe it is.”

4.  The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write).

Doing the REAL work on The Road So Far. I had no problem addressing the easy-to-execute notes from my betas, but I dragged my feet big time when it came to the down-and-dirty stuff. Revisions are rough!

5.  Something I love about my WiP.

Over the last couple of months, I revised a sequel into a stand-alone novel. It was hard. I’m proud of what I accomplished.

Are you participating in RSW? 
Don’t forget to link to your update below.

RSW – Update 10


Ready. Set. WRITE! is a summer writing intensive that encourages goal-setting and accountability, and provides an opportunity for us to cheer each other on wherever we’re at with our writing projects—planning, drafting, revising, or polishing. This year, your RSW hosts are Alison MillerJaime MorrowErin FunkElodie Nowodazkij, and myself.

SUPER IMPORTANT REMINDER –> The last week of Ready. Set. Write! (8-24 – 8-31) we’ll be holding a fun virtual event called Manuscripts and Manicures. We’ll each be painting our nails in a way that reflects our current WiP, then posting a photo of our manicure creations. So, get inspired, and maybe treat yourself to a new bottle of nail polish! 🙂

1.  How I did on last week’s goals.

1.1a.  Draft at least 30K words in my new WiP by summer’s end. –> Success!
1b. Revise The Road So Far. –> Success! 

No progress on my new WiP, but I did incorporate lots of beta notes into The Road So Far. Hoping to finish up with that in the coming week.

2. Read 12 books by summer’s end. –> In progress. This week I read books ten and eleven: Pretty Baby by Mary Kubica, and Play On my Michelle Smith.

3. Get stronger. –> In progress. I elliptical-ed two times and practiced yoga three times.

4. Explore a new place each week. –> Success! My girlie and I met up with some old friends (a couple of families from the kindergarten class she was in three years ago when we lived in Monterey) at the National Building Museum. They construct a new, limited-time exhibit each summer, and this year’s attraction is The Beach, which is basically a gigantic, white ball pit. It’s really cool!

5. Cross at least two items off my Thirty Before 35 list. –> In progress. I’m working on #17 as I draft my WiP, and thinking about picking up a 500 piece puzzle to work on with my daughter in these final weeks of summer.

2.  My goal(s) for this week.

Finish applying beta notes to The Road So Far, and send the manuscript off to my agent. Read William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. Keep up my exercise routine. Buy a puzzle. Shop for school clothes with my girlie.

3.  A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.

My arms go around her and her head finds its place, the spot where my shoulder and neck fuse, and even though we’ve fixed nothing, we fit together like two pieces of wood in a dovetail joint. We’re better like this. Stronger.

4.  The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write).

Gilmore Girls. I’m watching the series for the first time, and I’ve got very little self-control when it comes to binging episodes. So good!

5.  Something I love about my WiP.

I feel like I’ve used this answer before, but the romance. It’s what keeps me motivated and inspired. ❤

Are you participating in RSW? 
Don’t forget to link to your update below.

In other news… Big congrats to Crystal Schubert, lucky winner of last week’s Ready. Set. Write! prize package!

This week we’re offering our final giveaway — a writer’s care package assembled by… me!


My package includes: “If You Obey All the Rules You Miss All the Fun” journal, floral mini sticky note pad, lined floral note pad, Jelly Bellies, starry pencil pouch, Honey Pear hand cream, Lavender Lemonade candle, peppermint mints, various washi tapes, Eos Strawberry Sorbet lip balm, writerly quote pencils, Bigelow Vanilla Chai Tea, and Twizzlers.

Giveaway open internationally, to RSW participants only.
To enter, click the link below!

A Rafflecopter Giveaway

RSW – Update 9


Ready. Set. WRITE! is a summer writing intensive that encourages goal-setting and accountability, and provides an opportunity for us to cheer each other on wherever we’re at with our writing projects—planning, drafting, revising, or polishing. This year, your RSW hosts are Alison MillerJaime MorrowErin FunkElodie Nowodazkij, and myself.

1.  How I did on last week’s goals.

1.1a.  Draft at least 30K words in my new WiP by summer’s end. –> Success!
1b. Revise The Road So Far. –> Success! (It’s with beta readers now.)

I’d been hoping to add more wordage to my WiP (sitting at just over 30K, but I was super lazy this last week. I read a lot, but the writing just wasn’t coming. Hoping to do better in the coming week!

2. Read 12 books by summer’s end. –> In progress. I finished my ninth book, All We Have is Now by one of my favorite YA authors, Lisa Schroeder. Loved this beautiful story about making the most of each day.

3. Get stronger. –> In progress. I cardio-ed twice and practiced yoga three times.

4. Explore a new place each week. –> Success! We headed to an outdoor amphitheater in Bristow, Virginia to see Toby Keith, who puts on such an incredible show. My husband and I saw him play something like ten years ago, and I’d totally forgotten how awesome he is live.

5. Cross at least two items off my Thirty Before 35 list. –> In progress. I’ve planted my herb garden, I saw (another) country music concert, and I’m working on #17 as I draft my WiP.

2.  My goal(s) for this week.

Apply beta notes to The Road So Far. Add some new words (just SOME — anything!) to the WiP I’m drafting. Read Mary Kubica’s Pretty Baby. Exercise. Hit the pool a few times.

3.  A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.

I have to tip my chin to look up at him; he’s blue-eyed and russet-haired, strong-jawed and serious, but with a smattering of freckles that don’t match, like Converse with a tuxedo.

4.  The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write).

Motivation. Ugh. I’m lacking it.

5.  Something I love about my WiP.

That they’re YA. Occasionally well-meaning (non-writer) people try to sell me on drafting their ideas (which is strange, right?) and often, those ideas are for books that would fall into the adult category. Um, nope. I have zero desire to write adult fiction. I love reading it and I have all the respect for those authors who pull it off, but I’m a YA writer through and through.

Are you participating in RSW? 
Don’t forget to link to your update below.

In other news… Big congrats to Tonja Drecker, lucky winner of last week’s Ready. Set. Write! prize package!

This week we’re offering our fourth giveaway — a fantastic writer’s care package assembled by Alison

Alison's RSW Package

Alison’s package includes: a “Be Inspired” journal with inspirational quotes and writing prompts, Jane Austen air freshener, sticky notes and page markers, “I like BIG BOOKS and I cannot lie!” bookmark, spiral index cards, WRITE journal/composition book, Werther’s Originals caramel hard candies, Paddy Wax Ginger Peach soy candle, Trident Island Berry Lime gum, spiral memo pad in a rainbow of colors, Sinful Colors Decadent nail polish, post cards with inspirational quotes, mini Ink Joy pens.

Giveaway open internationally, to RSW participants only.
To enter, click the link below!

A Rafflecopter Giveaway

RSW – Update 8


Ready. Set. WRITE! is a summer writing intensive that encourages goal-setting and accountability, and provides an opportunity for us to cheer each other on wherever we’re at with our writing projects—planning, drafting, revising, or polishing. This year, your RSW hosts are Alison MillerJaime MorrowErin FunkElodie Nowodazkij, and myself.

1.  How I did on last week’s goals.

1a.  Draft at least 30K words in my new WiP by summer’s end. –> Success!
1b. Revise The Road So Far. –> Success! (It’s with beta readers now.)

2. Read 12 books by summer’s end. –> In progress. I finished Adam Silvera’s More Happy Than Not, one of the grittiest, most intense YAs I’ve read. Think Courtney Summers, but with a gay male protagonist, set in the Bronx. Loved it. Eight books down, four to go! (In case you missed it, last week I posted my July Reading Wrap-Up. Find it HERE.) 

3. Get stronger. –> In progress. I hit our elliptical up once and practiced yoga four times.

4. Explore a new place each week. –> Yesterday we visited the American Girl store in celebration of my daughter’s 8th birthday (which is today!). We had lunch and cake, and got our shop on, which was tons of fun.

5. Cross at least two items off my Thirty Before 35 list. –> In progress. I’m working on #17 as I draft my WiP, and last week we finally got around to planting our herb garden — yay! We have rosemary, parsley, tri-colored sage, two types of oregano, and apple mint. Hopefully I don’t kill it all. 😉

2.  My goal(s) for this week.

Go back to my non-contemp WiP (even though I met the RSW goal I set for it, I’m nowhere near done drafting) and add more words — at least 2,o00 this week, to be specific. Read Lisa Schroeder’s All We Have Is Now. Celebrate my daughter’s birthday BiG tImE. 🙂

3.  A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.

We sat in the sand and she freaking wept, these gasping, body-shuddering sobs that sucked the spirit out of me even as I held her close. After, she apologized, face flushed, eyes red, voice raw, and I had a very clear, very singular thought: I will never be the reason she cries.

4.  The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write).

Nit-picking The Road So Far. It was “done” days before I sent it to my (amazing) betas, but I couldn’t stop going over it, obsessing about the tiniest things. Finally my (incredibly wise) husband said, “You’re just changing happy to glad. Send the thing off already!” So I did.

5.  Something I love about my WiP.

The romance. Always the romance. ❤

Are you participating in RSW? 
Don’t forget to link to your update below.

In other news… this week we’re offering our third giveaway — a fantastic writer’s care package assembled by Erin


Erin’s package includes: “Embrace the Journey” journal with cork cover, “Enjoy the Little Things” notepad, Ink Joy mini pens, 2 pack of “Write On!” mini notebooks, Scrabble pencils that say: jot, note, write, create, compose, and inscribe, “Do One Thing Every Day That Makes You Happy” pencil case, 2 packs of paperclips shaped like rabbits and crocodiles, manicure kit, Eos Fresh Flowers hand lotion, Revlon Fashionista nail polish (teal), David’s PomTango tea  (makes 34 oz.), Strawberry Fusion Tic Tacs, Cadbury Jelly Popping Candy chocolate bar, and Trident Very Berry gum.

Giveaway open internationally, to RSW participants only.
To enter, click the link below!

A Rafflecopter Giveaway!

RSW – Update 7


Ready. Set. WRITE! is a summer writing intensive that encourages goal-setting and accountability, and provides an opportunity for us to cheer each other on wherever we’re at with our writing projects—planning, drafting, revising, or polishing. This year, your RSW hosts are Alison MillerJaime MorrowErin FunkElodie Nowodazkij, and myself.

1.  How I did on last week’s goals.

1. Revise The Road So Far. –> In progress. I’m ~almost~ done!

2. Read 12 books by summer’s end. –> In progress. I finished Sarah Dessen’s Saint Anything, as well as Elodie Nowodazkij’s A Summer Like No Other. Two fantastic contemps! I’m up to seven books so far this summer.

3. Get stronger. –> In progress. I hit the elliptical twice and practiced yoga three times. I seriously wish I had the time to get my yoga on daily.

4. Explore a new place each week. –> Success! My daughter and I visited our local farmers’ market, and we made a family trip to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian.

5. Cross at least two items off my Thirty Before 35 list. –> In progress. I’m working on #17 as I (slowly) draft my WiP. Also, I was totally going to plant my herb garden this week, and I found some fantastic herbs at the farmers’ market, but we walked there and I had no way of transporting a bunch of plants back home. Next time, I’ll drive. 🙂

2.  My goal(s) for this week.

Finish my The Road So Far revision and send it off to a few wonderful and gracious readers. Read Adam Silvera’s More Happy Than Not. Keep up with my exercise routine. Plant a damn herb garden!

3.  A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.

My jaw tightens. “Don’t tell me what I should be. You have no idea what you’re doing—what kind of mess you’ve made. You lied to your dad. To me.”

“Yeah, and if I hadn’t, you’d still be sitting in Bell Cove, just as lost as you’ve always been.”

There’re a million comebacks I should spit at her, but they scatter like roaches under a naked bulb.

She stares me down, unblinking.

Who the hell is this girl?

4.  The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write).

Finding time to work has been tricky. My girlie’s on summer break and my husband’s back to work, so it’s up to me to keep our kiddo engaged during the day. We’ve been having all sorts of fun, but at the cost of my revising time. Totally worth it, though!

5.  Something I love about my WiP.

This road trip story? It’s my favorite of any I’ve written. There’s something about it… its characters, their adventures, their emotional journeys… I could work on it indefinitely without ever getting tired of it. I mean, hopefully I won’t have to work on it indefinitely, but you know what I’m saying. 🙂

Are you participating in RSW? 
Don’t forget to link to your update below.
(Also, another giveaway coming next week!) 

What’s Up Wednesday


“What’s Up Wednesday” is a fun weekly meme started by my friends Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk. From Jaime: It’s similar in some respects to the Currently… post, but it’s been whittled down to only four headings to make it quicker and more manageable on a weekly basis. You’re invited to join us if you’re looking for something to blog about, a way to let your blog friends know what’s been going on with you. If you’re participating, make sure to link your What’s Up Wednesday posts to the list on Jaime’s blog each week. That way, others can visit your post and check out what you’ve been up to. And now, here’s what’s up with me this week…

What I’m Reading: I finished All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven and oh, my gosh… It was incredible. Like, so, so good. I already suspect it’ll be among my most-loved 2015 releases. Now, I’m reading Side Effects May Vary by Julie Murphy, which is fantastic so far. Incidentally, if you’re not listening to Sarah Enni’s First Draft podcast, you should be. Last week she interviewed Julie, who was endlessly delightful. It was their transparent and engaging conversation that made me want to rescue Side Effects from my towering TBR pile.

What I’m Writing: I got feedback on my road trip book, The Road So Farfrom my agent. I’m pleased to report that she loved it — phew! Of course, this book’s a follow-up, so its predecessor has to sell first, but it’s such a relief to know that she understands what the story is meant to be and is on-board.

As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been dragging my feet on finishing my NaNo book, Stars Like Dust, and I’m starting to realize that the reason for my procrastination is… I screwed something up along the way –> the pacing of what will eventually be the final third. I was discussing the problem with my husband the other day and he said (plainly, like the solution was obvious), “Why don’t you just have [important event] come before [other important event]. And I was like… “Huh.” Negative: The fix is going to be a pain in the butt. Positive: The fix is going to make the story much stronger. Goal: Adjust what’s already written, then replot the end of Stars Like Dust so I can tackle it during February’s writing retreat.

What Else I’ve Been Up To: We’ve been playing tourist in our own area, which is always fun. We move A LOT and in order to make the best of it, we make a point to see as much of each new “home” as possible…

We visited Destin’s Gulfarium, an aquarium that’s literally on the beach. My girl and I have been once before, but we wanted my husband to see how awesome it is, too. If you’re ever on the Emerald Coast, check it out!

We also visited Fort Barrancas, a centuries-old military fort and National Historic Landmark overlooking the Pensacola Bay. It’s very cool (especially if you’re into military history, like my husband) and the views are gorgeous.

This girl started her basketball season. It’s been so fun to watch her improve with every game. My sweet, gentle child is becoming so aggressive!

What Works For Me: What works for me? THIS…

Tell me… What’s up with you today? 

2014 in Review…

Happy New Year!

2014 has been full of changes, hard work, and lots of fun.

This Year’s Highlights


Over the holidays, we moved across the country, from central California to the Florida Panhandle. I kind of love it here.

We welcomed a kitten, Daphne, into our family. ❤

Also, I began revising the manuscript I wrote in 2013, Good Girls, a story inspired by the Tim McGraw song of the same name. I blogged about Goal SettingGateway Books, and the Books I Read in January.


I made a Thirty Before 35 list (thirty things I want to accomplish before I turn 35 in 2016). I’ve crossed ten items off so far!

I made one of my *best* life decisions and started binge watching Friday Night Lights. I finished a month later.

I continued plugging away at my Good Girls revision, participated in #WriterRecharge, and blogged about the Books I Read in February. And… The Seahawks won the freaking Superbowl!


We visited Disney World with some of our best buddies.

And saw a few Tallahassee highlights with my brother.

I blogged about How I’ve Found CPs, shared bits of Good Girls in a the Next Big Thing post, and talked about the Books I Read in March.


We made our first trip to the Destin beaches. Florida is lovely in the spring.

I Rocked the Drop!

Good Girls was approved by my agent and went out on its first round of editor submissions. Honestly, I felt very good about it — high hopes. Additionally, I blogged about My Process, and talked about Books I Read in April.


We hit up a few minor league baseball games in Pensacola.

My husband and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary –sort of. He was deployed, but still… It was a celebration. 🙂

I started a new manuscript, The Road So Far, which has since become my favorite of all the stories I’ve ever written.

I shared the Love List I made for The Road So Far, participated in the Writers On Writing blog hop, and chatted about the Books I Read in May.


My sweet girl finished 1st grade. ❤

We spent a week in Phoenix with my parents.

I started a rewrite of an old manuscript, Where Poppies Bloom.

Good Girls languished in Summer Submission Hell. I received lots of conflicting feedback (nothing I could apply to the manuscript) and decided to dive headlong into Where Poppies Bloom and The Road So Far. I co-hosted Ready.Set.Write with some other amazing writers, and raved about the Books I Read in June.


My mom and dad come all the way to the Panhandle to hang out with my girl and me (and, maybe, to enjoy our amazing beaches, too).

I finished my Where Poppies Bloom rewrite and sent it off to a few trusted readers for feedback before jumping back into The Road So Far.

I did more writing than blogging this month, but I did talk about the many fantastic Books I Read in July.


Such a busy month… My girlie turned SEVEN.

My husband FINALLY returned from Afghanistan.

I finished the first draft of The Road So Far, then dove into revisions of both it and Where Poppies Bloom. 

We traveled to Oregon and Washington to celebrate my brother-in-law Sam’s marriage to my new sister-in-law, Kacie.

I shared a bit about Where Poppies Bloom in a Wanna Beta? post, blogged about Mood Boards (and how much I love them), and talked about the awesome Books I Read in August.


This girl started 2nd grade. How time flies!

I baked the most beautiful cake to ever come out of my kitchen.

After a long summer of being on submission with Good Girls, I accepted that it’s not going to be The One and, upon thoughtful reflection, decided that it might not be the right debut book for me anyway. While I’m very proud of it, it’s quite dark and perhaps not entirely reflective of my tone. So, I sent Where Poppies Bloom off to my agent. It was well-received (yay!), and is currently on its first round of submission. Cross your fingers! Furthermore, I blogged about Banned Books and the Books I Read in September.


We had family photos taken for the first time since 2008.

I started a new manuscript, a contemporary YA called Stars Like Dust. I adore it, and hope to finish the last 10K or so in the coming months.

I also pushed through revisions of The Road So Far and sent it off to my CPs,  participated in the 777 Challenge, and shared the Books I Read in October.


My cutie pie wrapped up her first cheerleading season.

And I won National Novel Writing Month!

I shared the Love List I made for my NaNo project Stars Like Dust, and blogged about the Books I Read in November.


I visited New Orleans with my husband — so fun!

And celebrated a lovely Christmas with my family.

In addition, I completed my revision of The Road So Far and sent it off to my agent for feedback. Here’s hoping she loves it! Also, for the 4th successive year, I co-hosted the YA Superlatives Blogfest, participated in the Terrible Titles blog hop, and blogged about the Books I Read in December.

What I Learned in 2014

1. I can work on more than one project at a time.

2. CPs who say “screw that person who didn’t get your story” are SO important.

3. CPs who say “nope, your story’s just not there yet” are even MORE important.

4. Procrastination is most often my head’s way of telling me a story needs more time to bake, and that’s okay.

5. With each and every manuscript, my writing really does improve.

6. Writing a story that inspires me is worth any risks involved (like the story I wrote this summer… the sequel of a book that hasn’t sold yet — yikes).

7. Having an agent I trust, an agent who believes in my work and says things like “it WILL happen” is golden.

8. Making my goals public is the best way to guarantee I’ll accomplish them.

9. Family is my go-to source for true happiness.

Goals For 2015

An aside: I know I shouldn’t make “sell a book” a goal because I have no real control over editors’ tastes and the current marketplace, but traditionally publishing my stories will forever be something I strive to accomplish. I will write my fingers to the bone to make it happen, so…
There it is.

Here’s to a wonderful 2014, and an even better 2015. ❤

Terrible Titles

I was tagged by Kate Hart (who is spectacular — her debut, After the Fall, comes out in 2016) for the “Terrible Titles” blog hop. Her post is HERE, and her randomly generated titles are actually… kind of awesome.

The rules of the blog hop are simple: Scroll through your manuscript and stop in random places. Whatever words/phrase the cursor lands on becomes one of eight terrible titles.

Fun, right? Since my NaNoWriMo project is a very messy mess, I’m going to use the mostly clean manuscript I wrote over the summer, my road trip story currently called The Road So Far.

But, if it should need an alternate title, here are eight (terrible) contenders…

1. I Find Myself Bitter, Again
2. They Bump Hips 
3. So Full of Hollow Faith
4. We’ve Talked This Shit To Death
5. Long Winding Roads (huh… not so terrible, actually)
6. I Want to Hate Her
7. My Significant Other’s Underwear
8. Stare Out the Windshield

So, there you go… I’m thinking numbers 4 and 7 have potential. 😉

I tag my YA Superlative Blogfest co-hosts: Jessica LoveTracey Neithercott, and Alison Miller, plus my writing buddies Riley Edgewood, Lola Sharp, Elizabeth Briggs, and Elodie Nowodazkij.

Happy terrible titling, friends!

What’s Up Wednesday

“What’s Up Wednesday” is a fun weekly meme started by my friends Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk. From Jaime: It’s similar in some respects to the Currently… post, but it’s been whittled down to only four headings to make it quicker and more manageable on a weekly basis. You’re invited to join us if you’re looking for something to blog about, a way to let your blog friends know what’s been going on with you. If you’re participating, make sure to link your What’s Up Wednesday posts to the list on Jaime’s blog each week. That way, others can visit your post and check out what you’ve been up to. And now, here’s what’s up with me this week…

What I’m Reading: I finished The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski and loved it SO MUCH. Amazing world-building, and a super-swoonworthy slow-burn forbidden romance. I also read Caroline Tung Richmond’s debut, The Only Thing To Fear, a reimagining of the outcome of WW combined with some genetically modified people with X-Men-esue super powers — it was excellent! Now, I’m reading Brown Girl Dreaming, Jacqueline Woodson’s National Book Award winning historical verse story. It’s beautiful so far.


What I’m Writing: I’ve been revising my road trip book, The Road So Far, according to notes from my amazing CPs. They have helped me SO MUCH and I am endlessly grateful. I sent the manuscript off to my agent yesterday, so we’ll see what she thinks. *crosses fingers* Now, I’m back to drafting the end my NaNo story, Stars Like Dust. Hoping to finish by the end of the month.

What Else I’ve Been Up To: All the holiday prep…

I baked my husband’s favorite Christmas treat, Mexican Wedding Cookies


And made a Christmas craft, Cinnamon Star Garland

And addressed Christmas cards with my little elf. ❤

What Works For Me: Amazing published novels as inspiration. Luckily, 2014 has been full of exceptional reads! Jessica Love, Tracey Neithercott, Alison Miller, and I are celebrating with our 4th annual YA Superlatives Blogfest, a fun and interactive way to highlight our favorite books published during the last year. The blogfest begins Monday, December 15th and runs through Thursday, December 18th. We hope you’ll join us!

Class of 2014_Banner
Tell me… What’s up with you today?